AYON AUDIO – cenník 1/2023


Zoznámte sa s novými cenami existujúcich, výpredajových, secondhandových, ale hlavne nových highend komponentov až absolútnej špičkovej triedy od firmy  AYON AUDIO,  ktoré patria k tomu najlepšiemu, čo sme v minulosti mali a aj teraz máme v našom produktovom portfóliu…

Áno, môžme si povedať, že je to pre drvivú väčšinu hifistov-highendistov cenovo far away – a pre našinca ešte viac away, ba až  Far Far Away 🙂  – ale, dámy a páni, aspoň to hrá – a excelentne!!!  A to sa ani zďaleka nedá povedať o všetkých tých dnešných ultradrahých, často iba nezmyselne drahých zostavách, ktoré máme/máte možnosť vidieť a počuť na výstavách po celom svete. Ktoré nemajú žiadnu tradíciu, len sa vezú na vlne toho nezmyselného cenového šialenstva, ktorého sme v tzv. highende svedkami v posledných rokoch. Ktoré si dnes kúpite a ak ich chcete zajtra predať, tak sú predajné sotva tak za hubičku. Howgh!

Všetci sa na všetky svetové výstavy určite nedostaneme, ale my sme ich atmosféru pre vaše i naše potešenie aspoň trochu priblížili k nám, do posluchovky! Na tejto stránke nájdete všetky aktuálne komponenty firmy AYON AUDIO,  pre orientáciu aj s odporúčanými MOC vrátane DPH 20%. Produktové fotografie pod názvami komponentov znamenajú, že ich máme (po dohode) na vypočutie v showroome.

Skratky, použité pri stručnom popise produktov:

DHT = Direct Heated Triode,  SE = Single-Ended,  PSE = Parallel Single-Ended,  PP = Push-Pull,  PPP = Parallel Push-Pull,  RC = Remote Controller,  NFB = Negative FeedBack


SCORPIO II – EL34  –  Integrated amplifier;  PP,  2 x 40 W Pentode or 2 x 25 W Triode – switchable,  2 x 6SN7 & 2 x 6SJ7,  0 dB NFB,  4 x Line In-RCA; Auto-Fixed-Bias system & Tube test program; Power Tubes:  4 x Ayon EL34 (standard)  –  ? EUR + Remote Control as option  +200 EUR

SCORPIO II – KT88  –  Integrated amplifier;  PP,  2 x 50 W  Pentode or 2 x 30 W  Triode – switchable,  2 x 6SN7 & 2 x 6SJ7,  0 dB NFB,  4 x Line In-RCA; Auto-Fixed-Bias system & Tube test program; Power Tubes:  4 x Ayon KT88 (standard)  –  ? EUR + Remote Control as option  +200 EUR

SCORPIO II – KT150  –  Integrated amplifier;  PP,  2 x 60 W  Pentode or 2 x 35 W  Triode – switchable,  2 x 6SN7 & 2 x 6SJ7,  0 dB NFB,  4 x Line In-RCA; Auto-Fixed-Bias system & Tube test program; Power Tubes:  4 x Ayon KT88 (standard)  –  ? EUR + Remote Control as option  +200 EUR

SPIRIT  SE  –  Integrated amplifier;  2 x 12 W Single-Ended Triode,  2 x PCL86,  0dB NFB,  4 x Line In-RCA,  Auto-Fixed-Bias system & Tube test program;  Power Tubes:  2 x KT150 Tung-sol (standard)  –  3 195 EUR PRODUKCIA OBMEDZENÁ NA 100 KUSOV

SPIRIT V  –  Integrated or Power amplifier; 2 x 70W Pentode or 2 x 45W Triode – switchable, 2 x 12AX7, 2 x 6SN7, 0dB NFB, 3 x Line In-RCA, 1 x Line In-XLR, 1 x Direct In, 1 x Pre-out, RC; Auto-Fixed-Bias system & Tube test program; Power Tubes: 4 x KT150 Tung-sol (standard) – 5 995 EUR

SPIRIT  PA  –  Power amplifier; PP, Differential fully balanced gain-stage design; 2 x 70 W Pentode or 2 x 45 W  Triode – switchable, 2 x 12AU7, 2 x 12AX7, 4 x 6SJ7, 0 dB NFB, 1 x In-RCA, 1 x In-XLR, Auto-Fixed-Bias system & Tube test program;  Power Tubes:  4 x KT150 Tung-Sol (standard)  –  5 850 EUR

TRITON  III  –  Integrated or Power amplifier;  PPP,  2 x 120 W  Pentode or 2 x 70 W  Triode – switchable,  2 x 12AU7,  4 x 6SJ7,  0 dB NFB,  RC;  3 x Line In-RCA,  1 x Line In-XLR,  1 x Direct In,  1 x Pre out;  Volume Control: MCU based with analog resistor switching circuit. Auto-Fixed-Bias system & Tube test program;  Power Tubes: 8 x KT150  Tung-Sol  –  9 995 EUR

TRITON  PA  –  Power amplifier; PPP, Differential fully balanced gain-stage design; 2 x 120 W Pentode or 2 x 70 W  Triode – switchable, 2 x 12AU7, 2 x 12AX7, 4 x 6SJ7,  0 dB NFB,  1 x In-RCA, 1 x In-XLR, Auto-Fixed-Bias system & Tube test program; Power Tubes:  8 x KT150 Tung-Sol  –  9 995 EUR

SPITFIRE  –  Integrated or Power amplifier; SE,  2 x 30 W;  2 x AA62B,  2 x 6H30,  2 x 12AU7,  3 x Line In-RCA,  1 x Line In-XLR,  1 x Direct In,  1 x Pre Out,  RC,  DHT,  0 dB NFB;  Volume Control: MCU based with analog resistor switching citcuit.  Auto-Fixed-Bias system & Tube test program  –  8 995 EUR

MERCURY  II  –  Integrated or Power amplifier;  SE,  2 x 25 W;  2 x AA52B-S  or  AA32B-S  or  300B,  2 x 6H30,  2 x 12AU7,  1 x 5U4G,  3 x Line In-RCA,  1 x Line In-XLR,  1 x Direct In,  1 x Pre out,  RC,  DHT,  0 dB NFB;  Volume Control: MCU based with analog resistor switching circuit.  Auto-Fixed-Bias system & Tube test program  –  9 995 EUR 

CROSSFIRE  PA  –  Power amplifier;  SE,  2 x 30 W,  2 x AA62B,  2 x 6H30,  4 x 6SJ7,  1 x 5U4G,  1 x Line In-RCA,  1 x Line In-XLR,  DHT,  0 dB NFB,  Auto-Fixed-Bias system & Tube test program  –  11.995 EUR

TRITON  EVO  –  Integrated or power amplifier;  2 x 130 W Pentode,  2 x 75 W Triode – switchable,  2 x 12AU7,  2 x 6SL7,  2 x 6SN7,  0dB NFB,  RC,  3 x Line In-RCA,  1 x Line In-XLR,  1 x Direct In, 1 x Pre-out;  Auto-Fixed-Bias system & Tube test program;
Power Tubes: 8 x KT150 Tung-sol (standard)  –  12 995 EUR

EPSILON  EVO  MONO  –  Mono power amplifier;  1 x 180W Pentode or 1 x 100W Triode – switchable,  2 x 12AU7,  2 x 6SN7,  0dB NFB,  1 x Line In-RCA,  1 x Line In XLR,  Auto-Fixed-Bias system & Tube test program;  Power Tubes: 12 x KT150 Tung-sol (standard)  –  22 995 EUR/pair

CROSSFIRE  EVO  INTEGRATED  –  Integrated or Power amplifier;  2 x 30 W,  2 x AA62B,  2 x ECL86,  2 x 5687,  1 x 5U4G,  3 x Line In-RCA,  1 x Line In-XLR,  1 x Direct In,  1 x Pre-Out,  RC,  DHT,  0dB NFB;  Auto-Fixed-Bias system & Tube test program  –  13 995 EUR

VULCAN  EVO  MONO  –  Mono power amplifier;  PSE,  1 x 60 W,  2 x AA62B,  1 x AA20B,  2 x 6SJ7,  1 x Ayon 5U4GMesh,  1x Line In-RCA,  1 x Line In-XLR,  DHT,  0 dB NFB,  Auto-Fixed-Bias system & Tube test program  –  32 995 EUR/pair  or  with  AA82B  +4 500 EUR

TITAN  EVO  MONO  –  Mono power amplifier;  PSE,  1 x 85 W,  3 x AA62B,  1 x AA20B,  2 x 6SJ7,  1 x Ayon 5U4GMesh,  1 x Line In-RCA,  1 x Line In-XLR,  DHT,  0 dB NFB,  Auto-Fixed-Bias system & Tube test program  –  49 995 EUR/pair  or  with  AA82B  +7 000 EUR


Ayon  5U4G-Mesh  Rectifier  tube

Ayon  AA20B  Driver  tube

Ayon  AA45-Mesh  3 W Triode output power tube

Ayon  AA32B-S  20W  Triode  output  power  (SE  connection)

Ayon  AA52B-S  25W  Triode  output  power  (SE  connection)

Ayon  AA62B  30W  Triode  output  power  (SE  connection)

Ayon  AA82B  35W  Triode  output  power  (SE  connection)


CONQUISTADOR – Linestage Balanced  –  „State-of-the-Art / Cost-no-Object“,  Dual chassis design;  4 x AA45-Mesh,  4 x EC88;  Separate External Tube Power Supply with 2 x 5U4G;  4 x Line In-RCA,  2 x Line In-XLR,  2 x Line Out-RCA,  1 x Line Out-XLR,  1 x Tape Out,  RC,  4 Channel VTC Volume control / 42 position – electronic relay system;  LIMITED EDITION – 3 PCS PER YEAR ONLY  –  59 995 EUR

CONQUISTADOR – Linestage Unbalanced  –  „State-of-the-Art / Cost-no-Object“ Linestage – unbalanced,  Dual chassis design;  4 x AA45-Mesh,  4 x EC88;  Separate External Tube Power Supply with 2 x 5U4G;  6 x Line In-RCA,  2 x Line Out-RCA,  1 x Line Out-XLR,  1 x Tape Out,  RC,  4 Channel VTC Volume control / 42 position – electronic relay system;  LIMITED EDITION – 3 PCS. PER YEAR ONLY  –  49 995 EUR

SPHERIS  III – Linestage Balanced  –  “State of the art” Linestage,  Dual chassis design;  4 x C3M,  4 x EY91,  Separate External Tube Power Supply with AC~ Regenerator;  4 x Line In-RCA,  2 x Line In-XLR,  1 x Line Out-XLR,  2 x Line Out-RCA,  RC,  4 channel VTC Volume control /42 position – electronic relay system  –  32 995 EUR

SPHERIS  III  –  Linestage Unbalanced – Phono  –  “State of the art” Linestage with Phono preamp,  Dual chassis design;  4 x C3M,  4 x EY91,  Separate External Tube Power Supply with AC~ Regenerator;  4 x Line In-RCA,  1 x Phono MC,  1 x Phono MM,  2 x Line Out-RCA,  RC,  4 channel VTC Volume control /42 position – electronic relay system  –  24 995 EUR

AURIS  II  Reference  –  Preamp-Balanced,  Modular & upgradable design;  4 x 6H30;  PSE output stage,  4 x Line In-RCA,  2 x Line In-XLR,  1 x HT/In,  2 x Line Out-RCA,  1 x Tape Out,  1 x Line Out-XLR,  4 x 6Z4,  Tube Power supply & Choke regulated, RC  –  9 995 €

AURIS  II  –  Balanced – Signature version  –  Top grade components,  OPTION  +1 995 EUR

AURIS  II  –  Unbalanced  –  “Reference” Preamp-Unbalanced,  Modular & upgradable design;  2 x 6H30;  SE output stage,  4 x Line In-RCA,  1 x HT/In,  1 x Tape Out,  4 x 6Z4,  Tube Power supply & Choke regulated, RC  –  7 495 EUR

AURIS  II  –  Unbalanced – Signature version  –  Top grade components, OPTION  +995 EUR

AURIS  II  –  Phonostage MM or MC-H (high output) and MC  –  OPTION  +1 995 EUR


SPHERIS  – Phono (Model 2018)  –  “State-Of-The-Art”,  Dual chassis design;  2 x MC (MC1  &  MC2),  1 x Line Out-RCA,  1 x Line Out-XLR,  3 x 6H30,  2 x 6SL7,  4 x EY91;  External AC ~ Regenerator – Tube Power Supply & Choke regulated  –  29 995 EUR


HA-3  II   –   „State-Of-The-Art“, Dual chassis design; SE-Triode design with 2 x AA45-Mesh and Super-Permalloy Output transformer based, separate „Low“ and „High“ level headphone jacks, ALPS volume control,  2 x 12AU7; 1 x In-RCA; External – Tube Power Supply Choke regulated  –  3 995 EUR


CD-35 II  –  CD-Player, “Reference” – Top Loader;  Modular & upgradable design,  2 x 6H30 & 2 x 5687 SE tube output stage, RCA/O & Bal/O,  Electric-Analog-Switch Volume output control system,  2 x power transformer,  Choke,  1 x GZ30 Tube rectification,  RC;  2 x Line input–RCA, 1 x Balanced input – XLR;  PCM-Digital/In:  USB-24/384kHz,  SPDIF,  I2S,  AES/EBU,  BNC;  DSD – Digital /IN:  USB – DSD;  3 x BNC for DSD (DSD-L, DSD-R & WCK);  PCM-DSD converter for all PCM signals (DAC, USB and Streamer), Mundorf Gold/Silver capacitors  –  7 995 EUR

CD-35 II Signature version  –  PCM-DSD converter for all PCM signals (CD, DAC, USB), High-quality coupling capacitors; OPTION  +1 995 EUR

CD-35 II HF Edition  –  High Fidelity (PL) Edition  –  8 x V-cap TFTF coupling capacitors;  4 x Franc Audio  Ceramic Feet;  2 x WBT-210 NextGen RCA Jacks;  20 x Tantalum 2-Watt resistors for tube output-stage;  2 x AKM 4497EQ for DAC;  Black Finish for cooling slots,  Top plate buttons,  CD-LID and CD-inside housing;  All important components are matched at 1% level.  Limited at 35 pieces & only 1 piece per month is produced!  –  19 995 EUR


STEALTH  –  DAC with 4 x 6H30 PSE tube output stage,  4 x 6Z4 tube rectifier,  1 x Line Out-RCA,  1 x Line Out-XLR,  2 x Line In-RCA,  1 x Tape Out,  24 bit/192 kHz up-sampling,  Electric-Analog-Switch Volume output control,  RC;  PCM-Digital In:  1 x USB–24/192,  1 x SPDIF/Coaxial,  1 x SPDIF/Toslink,  1 x BNC,  1 x AES/EBU,  1 x I2S;  DSD-Digital In:  1 x USB–DSD,  1 x I2S/DoP,  3 x BNC for DSD (DSD-L, DSD-R & WCK)  –  6 995 EUR

STRATOS  –  DAC with 4 x 6H30 PSE tube output stage,  4 x 6Z4 tube rectifier,  1 x Line Out-RCA,  1 x Line Out-XLR,  3 x Line In-RCA,  1 x Tape Out,  24 bit/192 kHz up-sampling, Dual Electric-Analog-Switch Volume output control,  RC;  PCM-Digital In:  1 x USB–24/192,  1 x SPDIF/Coaxial,  1 x SPDIF/Toslink,  1 x BNC,  1 x AES/EBU,  1 x I2S.  DSD-Digital In:  1 x USB–DSD,  1 x I2S/DoP,  3 x BNC for DSD (DSD-L, DSD-R & WCK)  –  9 995 EUR


S-3  –  Single Chassis design;  2 x 6H30 tube output stage,  2 x 6Z4 tube rectifier,  Choke,  1 x Line Out-RCA,  1 x Line Out-XLR,  2 x Line In-RCA,  1 x Line Out,  24 bit/192 kHz up-sampling, Electric-Analog-switch Volume output control system,  RC;  Digital In:  1 x BNC, 1 x SPDIF/Coaxial,  1 x SPDIF/Toslink,  1 x AES/EBU,  1 x I2S,  2 x USB-Type A;  Digital Out:  1 x SPDIF/Coaxial;  Ethernet-LAN & WiFi  –  5 850 EUR



S-5  –  Dual chassis design;  4 x 6H30 PSE tube output stage,  4 x 6Z4 tube rectifier,  Dual Choke,  3 x Power transformer,  1 x Line Out-RCA,  1 x Line Out-XLR,  2 x Line In-RCA,  1 x Line Out,  24 bit/192 kHz up-sampling,  ADC In/RCA – 24/192;  Dual Electric-Analog-switch Volume output control system,  RC;  Digital In:  1 x BNC,  1 x SPDIF/Coaxial,  1 x SPDIF/Toslink,  1 x AES/EBU,  1 x I2S,  2 x USB-Type A;  Digital Out:  1 x SPDIF/Coaxial;  Ethernet-LAN & WiFi  –  14 695 EUR

S-5 XS  –  Network Player,  Dual chassis design;  4 x 6922 PSE tube output stage,  4 x 6Z4 tube rectifier,  Dual Choke,  3 x Power transformer,  1 x Line Out-RCA & 1 x Line Out-XLR,  2 x Line In-RCA,   24bit/192kHz up-sampling,  ADC In/RCA – 24/192;  Dual Electric-Analog-switch Volume output control system,  RC;  Digital In:  BNC,  SPDIF,  AES/EBU,  TosLink,  I2S,  2 x USB-Type “A”;  Digital Out: SPDIF;  Ethernet LAN & WiFi  –  8 995 EUR


S-10 II  –  2 x 6H30 tube output stage,  1 x Line Out-RCA,  1 x Line Out-XLR, RC; Quad electrical-analog volume control system; Tidal, Roon ready; Ethernet LAN & WiFi; Streamer: All PCM and DSD formats,  2 x USB Type A;  Digital In: 1 x SPDIF/Coaxial,  1 x SPDIF/Toslink,  USB  24/192 & DSD, USB Type B; Digital Out: SPDIF/Coaxial;  Analog In:  Line 1/RCA  & Line 2/RCA; Online Streaming Services: Tidal, Qobuz, HiRes Audio etc.; Inretnet Radio: Airable Radio & Podcast; Other Services: Roon ready, Audirvana & JRiver Media server  –  6 995 EUR

SIGNATURE version  –  PCM-DSD converter for all PCM signals (DAC, USB, Streamer) Mundorf Gold/Silver capacitors; OPTION  +1 995 EUR

PREAMP for Standard II & Signature II version  –  Quad electrical-analog volume control system with 2 pair analog line Inputs;  OPTION  +750 EUR

SERVER for Standard II & Signature II version  –  Second self-sufficient Streamer Module with Hard Disk selection from 250GB to 2TB (mounting rack & all connectors for Hard Disk prepared, but HDD or SDD not included), Plug and play ready with JRiver Media Server pre-installed;  OPTION +1 995 EUR

Upgrade Kit for existing S-10 to new S-10 II version  –  New DAC board, Main board, Digital In board, New FW etc.

NW-T/DSD  –  Network Transport, 6H14 tube buffer for digital output (SPDIF & AES/EBU),  1 x 6Z4 tube rectifier,  Volume output control system,  RC;  Digital In:  2 x USB-Type A; Ethernet-LAN & WiFi;  PCM-Digital Out:  1 x SPDIF/Coaxial,  1 x SPDIF/Toslink,  3 x BNC (DSD-L, DSD-R & WCK),  1 x AES/EBU,  1 x I2S  –  4 295 EUR


BLACK  RAVEN  –  from 13 980 EUR/pair

BLACK  HERON  –  from 18 980 EUR/pair

BLACK  FALCON  –  from 27 980 EUR/pair

BLACK  EAGLE  –  from 37 980 EUR/pair

BLACK RAPTOR  –  from 44 980 EUR/pair 

BLACK  CRANE  –  from 59 980 EUR/pair

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