PANGEA – neuveriteľne dobré sieťové káble druhej generácie – a stále za neuveriteľne priaznivé ceny!


„Silové káble vyžadujú špeciálne konštrukčné aspekty,“ hovorí inžinier, hudobník a celoživotný hudobný fanatik Jay Victor – generálny riaditeľ spoločnosti.

„Ja pristupujem k napájacím sieťovým káblom tak, akoby to boli káble určené k subwooferu, pretože striedavý prúd/napätie má frekvenciu 50/60 Hz,“ hovorí Jay. „Takže ja som venoval zvláštnu pozornosť vlastnému vodiču, ktorý musí byť navrhnutý tak, aby zvládol prenos nízkych frekvencií. Prenos vysokých frekvencií by mal byť potlačený, pretože v tomto type kábla predstavuje nežiadúci šum.“

PANGEA AC-9 V2 Ak ste milovníci kvalitne reprodukovanej hudby, je pravdepodobné, že ste sa prostredníctvom kábla alebo iného AV komponentu s prácou Jaya už stretli. Je totiž držiteľom cca 40 patentov v oblasti káblovej geometrie a konštrukcie konektorov a je jedným z najviac inovatívnych zákulisných postáv v hifi svete.

PANGEA AC-9Pred založením spoločnosti Orbital Development stál pán Jay Victor pri zrode nových produktov ako vývojový manažér u najznámejších káblových výrobcov v USA a bol nápomocný pri zrode okolo stovky produktov v priebehu asi piatich rokov. Jeho predchádzajúca prax obsahuje tiež dvanásť rokov intenzívnej inžinierskej práce v oblasti x-ray káblov a káblových zväzkov a tiež patentovanej konštrukcie konektorov na vedeckých a laboratórnych prístrojoch.

PANGEA AC-14 IEC C7Všetky Jayove konštrukcie káblov sú hodnotené pomocou testovacích prístrojov, ale konečné rozhodnutie nasleduje až po intenzívnych posluchových testoch porovnávaním s referenčnými zariadeniami a živou hudbou, ktorú máme zakorenenú hlboko v mysli.

A ceny? Veľmi príjemné:

AC-14 SE V2  1,0m   69 EUR
AC-14 SE V2  1,5m   92 EUR
AC-14 SE V2  2,0m 105 EUR

AC-9 V2  1,0m   144 EUR
AC-9 V2  1,5m   168 EUR
AC-9 V2  2,0m   199 EUR

AC-9 SE V2  1,0m   229 EUR
AC-9 SE V2  1,5m   279 EUR
AC-9 SE V2  2,0m   329 EUR

PANGEA AC-9 V2 description

The Best Affordable High-current AC Cable Just Got Way Better

The best affordable high-current AC power cable in the industry has just gotten a whole lot better. Pangea Audio’s AC-9SE has been upgraded as the new model AC-9SE Signature Edition MkII to include premium Cardas Grade One Copper in its conductors. AC-9SE MkII is the AC power cable of choice, for getting superior performance from hi-fi and home theater amplifiers, powered subwoofers, and other high current AV components.

This cable is terminated with a high-quality Schuko-type AC plug common in many European countries.

The Pangea Audio AC-9SE Signature Edition power cable is an enhancement of Pangea’s wildly popular AC-9 and the new AC-9 MkII power cables. In spite of its name, the AC-9SE MkII isn’t a nine-gauge cable. It’s actually a seven-gauge cable, which means it’s even heftier than the nine-gauge! (The lower the gauge, the thicker the cable.)

This 7-awg design with its advanced combination of Cardas Grade One Copper conductors, OFC copper conductors, and Litz wire conductors offers a substantial upgrade compared to the already excellent AC-9 MkII. Furthermore, the AC9-SE MkII contains several times the amount of Cardas Grade One Copper than is used in the AC-9 MkII, and this makes a significant sonic difference.

„Quite Simply the Best Copper on the Planet“

The original version of AC-9SE used OFC, Long-Crystal Copper, Litz wire, and PCOCC copper conductors. The new MkII version goes a substantial step further, upgrading to a combination of 99.99% purity OFC copper, Litz wire, and – most important of all – no-compromise Cardas Grade One Copper, which George Cardas of Cardas Audio developed for his own premium cables.

George’s copper is mined in Arizona, then shipped to a New England factory where it is very S-L-O-W-L-Y drawn into conductors in a process that includes reduction annealing between steps to further purify and meld the copper into what George calls „the most amazing audio conductor I have ever experienced. It is quite simply the best copper on the planet.“

„The bottom line is that the best phono cartridges manufactured in the world, the best transformer winders, and the best cable manufactures in the world are converting to this smooth sounding Cardas Grade One Copper,“ George reports.

„It is simply stunning how using a combination of space age technology (reduction annealing) and ancient drawing process (diamond dies and a slow multi stage annealing) can result in such a refined product.“

The combination of Cardas Grade One Copper, OFC copper, and Litz wire conductors makes the AC-9SE MkII Signature Edition an amazing component for the money, outperforming audiophile power cables that cost far more. So throw away the cheap, stock AC power cable that came with your AV component and make the easy, affordable upgrade to AC-9SE MkII. It will bring out the best in your system.

Because of their high-current requirements, power amps benefit from heavier gauge conductors than normal power cords offer. The AC9-SE MkII is specially designed to deliver the clean, high-current power needed by audio amplifiers – including stereo, mono, multichannel, and integrated amps. It is also ideal for powered subwoofers, power conditioners, and other high-current electronic components.

DeathGrip™ IEC

One weak link in the power chain that is often overlooked is the IEC connector. We had found a good one for our Pangea cables. It had large contacts and gripped firmly. Then Jay Victor discovered another IEC connector with massive gold-plated contacts that gripped a component’s IEC better than anything he had ever seen.

„It’s like a death grip,“ reported Jay. „We need to use it on our high-end cables.“ We agreed with Jay, and the DeathGrip™ IEC was born.

Seven-Way Multi-gauge Geometry

The AC-9SE MkII uses different wire gauges consisting of a combination of Cardas Grade One Copper, OFC copper, and Litz wire copper conductors.

Counter-spiraled conductors offer superior noise rejection, and the triple-shielded design provides high-current noise isolation. The large-diameter 7-awg construction boasts seven-way multi-gauge geometry optimized for high-current delivery of 50/60 Hz AC power. The solid-blade 24k gold-plated copper AC contacts provide superior electrical contact.

The Inside Story of Pangea Audio MkII Cables

Pangea Audio’s AC-14 was one of the first cables designed from the ground-up as a high quality power cable for audio gear. Veteran cable designer, Jay Victor, designed the AC-14 specifically for source components like preamps, CD players, DACs, etc. Jay kept the price low thanks to his expertise with manufacturing processes and materials and also by using high-integrity molded connectors. Introduced for only $30 for a 1.0-meter length, the AC-14 was intended as a replacement for the cheapo stock cable thrown in the box with almost any high-end audio gear.

Soon after the Pangea AC-14 was introduced, something unexpected happened. Audiophiles around the country began reporting that the inexpensive AC-14 sounded better than other upgrade power cables costing five to ten times the price. Word of the AC-14’s excellent performance spread quickly among audiophiles. Over the next few years, more than ten thousand AC-14 cables were sold.

Birth of the AC-9 and Beyond

Pangea Audio’s AC-14 was quickly followed by the AC-9. This massive seven-gauge cable was designed for the high-current demands of power amplifiers, powered subs, power conditions, and more. More advanced Pangea Audio cables soon followed. These newer cables featured better shielding and higher grades of copper for even better performance. These cables sold incredibly well until suddenly and without warning the Japanese manufacturer announced they were ceasing production of the two higher grades of copper used in these newer Pangea cables.

Now, what to do?

An American Solution to the Japanese Problem

With the Japanese copper unavailable, Pangea Audio discovered another form of premium copper that was being produced by industry legend George Cardas, founder of Cardas Audio. Some years earlier, George was unhappy with the quality of the copper conductors available for his high-end cables. He decided to produce his own high-end copper, which he calls Cardas Grade One Copper.

Starting with the best available electrolytic copper mined in Arizona, Cardas very S-L-O-W-L-Y draws the copper into conductors in a process that includes reduction annealing between steps to further purify and meld the copper into what George calls „the most amazing audio conductor I have ever experienced.“

So what started out as a problem for Pangea Audio with the loss of premium Japanese copper has turned out to be a huge benefit now that the company has upgraded to no-compromise Cardas Grade One Copper.

Pangea Audio Power Cables

Pangea Audio power cables offer the perfect balance of power, shielding, and flexibility for audiophile components. These cables have been designed, not from the AC wall outlet to the component, but the other way around – from the component to the wall outlet. The result is a cable that not only fully satisfies the ‚real power requirements‘ of audiophile components, but which also delivers improved performance for both power and component isolation.

Pangea’s ‚component to the wall outlet‘ design results in a better cable that’s designed just for the component you want to power. The cable gives you precisely what you need – no more and definitely no less.

When More Is Sometimes Actually Less

Until now, all upgrade power cables have been designed according to a ‚more is better‘ philosophy, leading manufacturers to increase the diameter of the conductor and the thickness of the insulation in an attempt to improve performance, but at the expense of flexibility. The resulting thick, noncompliant cables put a severe strain on the chassis of connected components.

Heavy, inflexible cables can also reduce the effectiveness of component isolation and suspension systems. Because power amps do benefit from heavier gauge conductors, the AC-9SE MkII is thicker than its smaller sibling, the AC-14. However, it is only as thick as it needs to be for maximum performance, and it is still more flexible than competitive AC power cords.

A ešte zopár vyjadrení spoza Veľkej Mláky:

Hate this cable!
Changed my system from transparent to non-existent! People wonder where the sound is coming from, because it certainly doesnt seem to be coming from the speakers! If I knew this two years ago, I wouldnt have spent all the time and money on the more expensive stuff.
– John V, AZ
Pangea Audio AC 9SE MKII Signature Power Cable
I think its one of the best cable I have ever heard. The voices are so definited. The sound is very cool. In syntesis the ratio quality/price is very high. I recommend it. Truly.
Worth every penny!
I ordered the 2-meter version of the AC 9SE MkII simply because I needed a longer cable between the wall and my Furman Elite 15PFi power conditioner, replacing a rather expensive older cable from a very-highly-regarded company that sells a number of power-related products. There was already an earlier version of the AC 9SE between the power conditioner and my amp. So frankly, I wasnt expecting too much when I plugged it in and fired up my system. Wrong! I had to listen to a couple of different recordings to reassure myself that the improvement was real, because it was so unexpected and so significant. The sound stage is broader and wider. The depth and breadth of Roger Waters Amused to Death is more defined and definitely more detailed. Shelby Lynnes Just a Little Lovin sounds more spectacular than ever. I cant wait to listen to the rest of my library to hear what Ive been missing.
– Wil W, VANISEL Living Hi-Fi logo
3 Responses to "PANGEA – neuveriteľne dobré sieťové káble druhej generácie – a stále za neuveriteľne priaznivé ceny!"
  1. 7 rokov mám doma Usher Audio zostavu (CP-6311 + P307A + R1.5) prevažne napojenú na Cambridge Audio Streamer 6 a bol som spokojný. Vedel som, že ten streamer je tak trochu slabina v reťazci a tiež, že predzosilovač a zosilovač sú tak nejak predimenzované na tie CP-6311, ale dostal som tu v Niseli na to slušnú cenu a hralo mi to dobre, tak prečo nie :). Teraz sa však streamovacie služby skvalitnili a rozmnožili a chcel som mať maximálnu možnosť voľby výberu, a tak som vymenil streamer za kvalitný externý R2R DAC (teda nie čipový ale tranzistorový).
    To posunulo Usher CP-6311 reproduktory o riadny skok ďalej a bol som si istý, že som narazil na ich limit. Ten DAC však neprišiel s AC káblom a dočasne som ho mal na kábli pôvodne od môjho PC, takže potreboval som preň kábel.
    Tým sa dostávam konečne k pointe 🙂 – zo záujmu a bez rizika som si prišiel znovu sem do Niselu po zapožičanie Pangea káblov – konkrétne AC9 MKII a AC14 SE MKII. Keď už som bral kábel pre DAC, skúsil som rovno aj zameniť defaulné káble na predzosilovaž a zosilovač. To už som DAC počúval doma vyše týždňa, takže som bol zvyknutý, ako mi to doma hrá.
    Po zapojení Pangea káblov ale bolo hneď jasné,. že zostanú u mňa doma. Nedokážem úplne povedať, ktorý z nich viac či menej, ale dokopy rozdiel bol počuť a musel som sa dlho uisťovať, že si to nenamýšľam.
    DAC spolu s tymi kablami odhalil úplne novú stránku tých Usher CP 631, nevedel som, že dokážu až toto a to som bol spokojný už predtým.

    Záverom môžem Pangea káble bez problémov odporúčiť ako nie prehnane cenovo náročný upgrade všetkým, ktorí dlhé roky (podobne ako ja) idú na pribalených AC kábloch a sú spokojní. Pravdepodobne zaznamenáte zlepšenie – overené vlastnou skúsenosťou.

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